I dreamt that I was participating in a creative writing competition where the rule was to write a short story within 2 hours. Thinking highly of my skills, I decided to enroll for two slots simultaneously, believing it would increase my chances of winning. However, as I began to write, I encountered some writer's block. To my dismay, I realized that an hour had passed, and I was still struggling with the first story, without even having a clear idea for the second one. Just as I was feeling frustrated, a voice reminded me of a dream I had long ago, suggesting it as a potential theme for my story. Delighted, I began to work on my second story...
我夢見我去參加創意寫作比賽,規定要在 2 小時內寫出創意短篇故事。我認為我很厲害,就同時報了兩個名額,想說可以增加得獎機會。沒想到寫故事時有些卡關,發現一個小時過去了,我還在寫第一篇,第二篇連主題我都還沒想好。正在懊惱之際,突然有個聲音提醒我一個很久以前做的夢,可以用來做為故事主題。我很開心,就開始寫我的第二篇故事...

Alice 是一位自信滿滿的寫作愛好者,她決定挑戰自己,參加了一場創意寫作比賽。比賽的規則是,在短短的兩個小時內寫出一篇精彩的短篇故事。
Alice 對自己的創作能力充滿信心,甚至報名了兩個名額,認為自己能夠輕鬆應對挑戰,並且雙雙得獎。
比賽開始了,時間流逝得非常迅速。Alice 一直在思考著她的故事情節,但在緊湊的時間下,她感到有些手足無措。
第一個名額的截止時間越來越近,Alice 仍然在努力寫作,但她意識到自己已經無法完成一個令人滿意的故事。焦急和驚慌開始籠罩在她心頭。
Alice 震驚地停下筆,猛然回想起自己曾經寫過的一個故事。這個故事原本來自於一個夢改寫的故事。它是關於一個失落的靈魂,它在黑暗中徘徊,尋找著一絲希望和安慰。當時,她只是無心之舉寫下了這個故事大綱。
在聲音的提醒下,Alice 心中湧起一股奇怪的感覺,她突然決定放下手中的筆,重新改寫那個從前的故事。
比賽結束後,結果揭曉。Alice 的第一個作品未能入選,但令人驚訝的是,這個夢境改寫故事被評審選為比賽的優勝作品。
Title: Forgotten Dream
Alice, a confident enthusiast of writing, decided to challenge herself by participating in a creative writing competition. The rule of the competition was to write a captivating short story within a brief two-hour timeframe.
Filled with confidence in her creative abilities, Alice even registered for two slots, believing she could effortlessly handle the challenge and win both prizes.
As the competition began, time swiftly passed. Alice pondered over her story plot, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the tight time constraint.
As the deadline for the first slot approached, Alice continued to labor over her writing, but she realized she couldn't produce a satisfactory story. Anxiety and panic began to engulf her.
Just as she felt despair creeping in, a strange voice suddenly echoed in her ears. "Do you remember the story you wrote long ago?"
Alice abruptly stopped writing, startled by the voice, and vividly recalled a story she had penned in the past—a story derived from a dream. It was about a lost soul wandering in darkness, seeking a glimmer of hope and solace. At the time, she had jotted down the outline of the story on a whim.
"You must rewrite that story," the voice continued.
Prompted by the voice, Alice felt a peculiar sensation surge within her. She made the impulsive decision to set aside her current story and rewrite the one from her past.
Time flew by, and she quickly completed the story, then hastily submitted her work.
After the competition ended, the results were announced. Alice's first entry did not make the cut, but to her surprise, the rewritten dream-inspired story was selected by the judges as the winning entry.
She deeply sensed the significance of the story, realizing that her past writings might be the most genuine and touching. Though she didn't achieve her initial goal, the competition imparted a profound lesson to her, making her more humble and appreciative of her creativity.