I dreamed that my older brother Ivan had a small dog that looked like a bear but was actually a dog. Apparently, the dog was born with a condition, and it was a gift from a friend. It needed to be cared for very carefully.
Then, the scene shifted, and it was now my younger brother Adolf walking the dog. We were strolling along the sidewalks of Tianmu together. As we neared the bus stop, I saw my friend Sophie and her family walking nearby. I overheard them chatting, and Sophie was talking to her daughter about wanting a pet. Her daughter asked her very systematically, "Do you want a dog? If so, what specific traits are you looking for? Do you have a particular type or breed in mind?" She explained further, "Traits could mean big ears, long fur, or a certain color. If it's a specific breed, just say you want a Pekingese or a Spitz, something clear like that."
I thought Sophie’s daughter's method was so logical! For some reason, I used this example as an analogy for websites while explaining it to Adolf. I said that just like defining traits and breeds for picking a pet, we could use this approach to discuss website requirements with clients. In the dream, I explained this theory to Adolf very clearly.
At this point, the person beside me changed back to my older brother Ivan. I saw him on the bus while I was still on the ground below. I told Ivan, "If you don’t have time to take care of that disabled bear-dog, give it to me, and I’ll take care of it." Ivan then handed me a knotted plastic bag, and it seemed like the bear-dog was stuffed inside. I found this very strange and thought, "This is a living creature! Why would you stuff it into a plastic bag like this?"
In addition to the plastic bag, Ivan also gave me a silk scarf. Holding my baby daughter in my arms and carrying the bag with the bear-dog inside, I started walking toward the bus stop because there were seats where I could sit down.
The distance was quite far, but I kept walking and finally reached the bus stop. I sat down, opened the plastic bag, and noticed that the bear-dog didn’t seem to be moving.
I asked Ivan, "Is this bear-dog still alive?" Ivan gave me a bunch of odd explanations, saying the dog had a genetic disorder and wasn’t easy to keep alive. He mentioned waiting for the doctor’s report.
I asked again, "Is this bear-dog alive?" Ivan replied, "Yes, it’s alive, but survival is difficult."
Looking into the bear-dog’s wet eyes, I felt they looked lifeless. At that moment, I felt a bit terrified, as if I were looking at the body of a dead dog.
Suddenly, I remembered the silk scarf Ivan had given me—it seemed I had dropped it earlier and hadn’t picked it up. Holding my daughter, I started walking back to where the bus had stopped before.
As we walked, I talked to my daughter, but she just looked at me without saying a word. I asked her, "Why aren’t you talking to me?" She kept staring silently. I told her I wanted to take her on a trip, just like before when we used to talk and laugh together.
I kept talking to her, but she only stared at me without responding. I felt a bit sad and wondered why she didn’t feel close to me anymore.
Still holding her, I continued walking toward where the bus had stopped earlier, hoping to find the scarf. I asked her, "Do you remember where the scarf fell?" From her gaze, it seemed like she knew. I kept walking forward, determined to retrieve the silk scarf.
夢見大弟 Ivan 有一隻小狗,牠看起來像是小熊,但其實是一隻小狗。好像這狗狗有天生的疾病,是朋友送給他的狗,反正就是要很小心的呵護。
然後這時候變成是小弟 Adolf 帶著那隻狗,我們一起走在天母的人行道上。快要走到公車站時,我看到好友 Sophie 全家人在路上散步。我聽到他們在聊天,好像 Sophie 跟她女兒說想要養一隻小動物,然後她女兒就很有條理的問她:「你是想要養小狗嗎?那你想要養的小狗的生物特徵是什麼?有沒有特定是什麼樣子的狗,還是什麼品種的狗?」她女兒解釋說:「特定生物特徵像是大耳朵、長毛、顏色;如果是特定品種的話,就直接講是要北京狗或狐狸狗等等,類似這類的明確需求。」
我覺得 Sophie 女兒的這種方式,好有道理喔!不知道為什麼,我就用這個例子比喻成網站,和 Adolf 解釋。我說她用生物特徵和品種來確定挑選寵物的需求,我們也可以運用這方式,來跟客戶談網站需求。在夢裡我就是很明確的把這個理論講解給 Adolf 聽。
此時,我身邊的人又變成是大弟 Ivan。我看到他在公車上,我在公車下。我跟 Ivan 說:「你如果沒空照顧那隻殘疾的小熊狗的話,你給我,我來養。」然後 Ivan 就交給我一個打了結的塑膠袋,好像那隻小熊狗被他硬塞在袋子裡。我覺得很奇怪,心想:「這是一條活的生命耶!你為什麼把牠這樣子塞進塑膠袋裡?」
除了這個塑膠袋外,Ivan 還給了我一條絲巾。我手上抱著嬰兒版的女兒,提著袋子裡的小熊狗,想要走回公車站牌,因為那裡有座位,我可以坐下來。
我問 Ivan:「你這小熊狗還活著嗎?」Ivan 跟我講了一堆奇怪的理由,反正就是好像小熊狗有基因上的疾病,不容易存活。醫生說要做檢查,他在等醫生的檢查報告。
我再問一次:「你這小熊狗是活著的嗎?」Ivan 回說:「是啊!只是存活不容易。」

1. 小熊狗
2. 家庭動態(Ivan 和 Adolf):
3. 與 Sophie 一家的相遇:
Sophie 女兒有系統的方法:這種分析需求和生物特徵的邏輯方法,可能反映了你在決策過程中,尋求清晰度和結構的一部分,特別是在工作或個人專案(例如網站設計或業務重建)中。
4. 絲巾:
5. 你沉默的女兒:
6. 巴士及行程:
7. 死氣沉沉的小熊狗和恐懼:
8. 總體主題:
受到 Sophie 女兒的啟發,你如何採用更有條理、更有邏輯的方法,來應對當前的挑戰?