I dreamt that I was in the office. Seven newborn puppies were there, adorable but unruly, running around everywhere. I kept wanting to confine them to one area.
My colleague Claire and I were trying to calm the puppies down. Some loved to sleep, some craved attention and affection. Some were well-behaved, while others were picky and didn't like to be disturbed. Each puppy displayed its own unique personality traits.
As I walked into the office, I noticed a new colleague. He was a skilled professional we had recently poached from a rival company, so there were high expectations for him to bring in clients.
Having collaborated with him on previous projects, I went upstairs to talk to him and see how he was adjusting to the new job.
We walked out of the server room together. He mentioned feeling uncomfortable because everyone seemed to be trying to extract information from him, which made him wary. Although my boss had tasked me with extracting client lists from him, I felt it wasn't fair to him. After all, retaining good people should be the priority, not just exploiting them for short-term gains.
As we walked downstairs, he mentioned that his current job involved training new hires, which he found tedious. I asked if the job followed standard operating procedures (SOPs), but he explained that many situations required on-the-spot decision-making based on experience, making it impossible to rely solely on SOPs.
The scene shifted to me attending a charity performance where former hosts of "Running Around the World," Miss Lee and Miss Hsieh, were invited.
I noticed their clothes were damp, almost see-through. I asked if they needed to change, but they declined, mentioning how conditions were even worse when they filmed abroad, at least their clothes were clean now.
They performed a duet on stage to raise funds for African disaster relief. Miss Hsieh kept praising Miss Lee's singing voice, highlighting their genuine friendship.
Watching their interaction from the audience, I felt deeply moved. Their enduring friendship, untainted by ulterior motives, was truly remarkable and rare.
我和同事 Claire 在安撫小狗。有的愛睡,有的愛撒嬌要人摸。有的很乖,有的會嫌棄其他的狗,不喜歡被吵。狗兒們反應出各種個性。
我們一同走到樓下。他提到目前工作是帶新人,工作煩瑣。我問工作不是都有 SOP 依循,他舉例許多情況得依現場狀況,並根據經驗來應變處理,無法靠 SOP 來完成。

Ending 1 - A Harmonious Resolution
After witnessing the genuine friendship between Miss Lee and Miss Hsieh, you're inspired to create a more supportive and empathetic work environment. You share your concerns about your new colleague's discomfort and propose a more collaborative approach that values long-term relationships over short-term gains. Your team embraces this shift in perspective, leading to a more harmonious and productive work atmosphere.
Ending 2 - A Personal Transformation
Reflecting on the lessons from your dream, you decide to adopt a more empathetic and understanding approach in your professional relationships. This transformation helps you build stronger connections with colleagues and clients, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment in your career.
Ending 3 - A Surprise Connection
During the charity performance, you discover a shared interest or experience with Miss Lee and Miss Hsieh, which leads to a new friendship. This connection inspires you to prioritize genuine relationships and support in both your personal and professional life, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
Ending 4 - A Shift in Priorities
Feeling moved by the charity event, you decide to allocate more time and resources towards causes and projects that align with your values. This shift in priorities brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction to your work, allowing you to make a meaningful impact in your community.
Ending 5 - A New Partnership
Impressed by your empathetic approach and commitment to fairness, your new colleague proposes a partnership on an exciting project. This collaboration leads to success for both of you, validating your belief in the importance of valuing people over short-term gains in professional relationships.
Each of these alternative endings offers a unique conclusion to your dream, exploring the themes of empathy, genuine connections, and the value of long-term relationships in your personal and professional life.