《Love at Yuanshan: A Perfect Match》
Love is a delicate and mysterious thing. As Xiao-Hui once said, "True friendship comes from connecting hearts." Ah-Mei's kindness gradually stirred feelings within Ashan. She was undoubtedly a great friend, but whether those feelings could truly be called love, Ashan hesitated to conclude.
On the other hand, Ashan’s mother, after spending much time with Ah-Mei, had already formed her own opinion. Ah-Mei was a wonderful girl, but could a mother reasonably ask her son to marry someone who would never be able to speak?
Whenever Ashan returned home for leave, Ah-Mei would come over and prepare a few extra dishes. During meals, she would often serve Ashan food, which warmed his mother’s heart. For young people, falling in love is often like a spark of electricity. Ashan’s mother racked her brain, wondering how to create such a spark between them.
One evening, after dinner, Ah-Mei insisted on washing the dishes. Seizing the opportunity, Ashan’s mother announced she was going for a walk and asked Ashan to help Ah-Mei. In the kitchen, Ashan found himself watching Ah-Mei’s silhouette—her long, silky black hair draped over her shoulders, her slender waist cinched by an apron, and the gentle curve of her figure as she leaned forward. If it had been Xiao Hui standing there, he might not have resisted the urge to hold her.
Ah-Mei noticed Ashan had come in and motioned for him to watch TV, insisting she could manage alone. Instead, Ashan started drying the dishes. Perhaps distracted, he accidentally dropped a plate, shattering it on the floor. They both crouched to clean up, and Ah-Mei gestured, "I told you to watch TV, but now look—you’ve broken the plate."
As Ashan reached for a shard, his attention lingered on her expressive gestures, and he accidentally cut his finger. Without hesitation, Ah-Mei lifted his hand to her lips, gently sucking the wound. She had done the same when they were children, but this time felt different. A warmth spread through Ashan’s heart. Their eyes met—Ah-Mei’s gaze held tenderness, and Ashan’s held gratitude. In that moment, an undeniable spark passed between them.
That night, Ashan couldn’t sleep. Memories of his past resurfaced—leaving his homeland by sea, escaping to Hong Kong, losing his beloved elder brother, and now his father. The pain of separation and loss seemed to haunt his life. As he lay in the dim light of his bedside lamp, a longing for love filled his heart. In his mind’s eye, he saw Ah-Mei quietly sitting by his bedside, her presence a comforting reminder that she had always been silently by his side.
這晚, 阿三輾轉不能成眠。回想當年從海上離開故鄉,逃離到香港,又失去了最敬愛的哥哥。這些悲傷往事仍然在夜深人靜時,偶爾會浮現出眼前。現在又失去了父親,難道人生中充滿了生離死別嗎?